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Modern Institute For Education

The Modern School Society completed 100 years of its existence in October 2020. To commemorate this, the Modern School Society has established a premier Modern Institute for Education (MIE), to create an Institute that would provide value to society, by furthering the cause of education most innovatively.

Situated within the campus of Modern School Barakhamba Road, New Delhi, as a research institute, the MIE mission is to undertake individual & collaborative research on local and global education practices. It strives to develop and validate innovative content & practices for enhanced learning outcomes. MIE aims to provide cutting-edge training and upskilling programs to teachers to meet the changing needs of pedagogy and to provide a collaborative learning platform for teachers to share and exchange ideas.

Educators, scholars, thought leaders and researchers in India, and all over the globe, are welcome to visit in order to connect and collaborate for exchange of ideas, information and expertise for the progress of school education.