
Modern School alumni networks span generations, each contributing to the legacy of our schools. We celebrate our history and successes through our alumni, whose successful diaspora make their mark throughout India and the world.

इन लाल दीवार के पीछे,
मेरा पहला आशियाना था,
मैं आशिक था, मैं शायर था,
हाँ! वो भी एक जमाना था

........ By Bhavtosh Bansal, student of 1992 Batch


Modern School Old Students Association
The Modern School Old Students Association (MSOSA) was registered under the Societies Registration Act, 1860. In the same year, ‘Modernites’ Scholarship Fund was instituted by MSOSA to enable deserving and needy students to acquire an education in Modern School.

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Modern School Vasant Vihar Alumni Association
In 1980 the first batch of students graduated from Modern School Vasant Vihar. Since then, batch after batch of Modernites have brought glory to the school excelling in a multitude of professions and skills. The MSVVAA was registered as a formal association in 2001.

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